Monday’s Lecture - Democracy stinks. What do the ignorant masses know about governing? Nothing. They are completely unqualified to make their own decisions. They can be easily swayed by anyone promising them anything and entertaining them. (i.e., the Roman Circus) They always vote for their own stomachs and their own selfish self interests. Given enough time, the ignorant masses will destroy even the hand that feeds them and the entire society will fall into anarchy.
Tuesday - Monarchy stinks. It¹s just another name for dictatorship. One egotistical despot claiming divine right will basically screw all the little guys while tossing them trinkets, perk the cronies who keep him in power, and imprison (or worse) everyone who doesn¹t bow down to him/her. Given enough time, coup after coup after coup will ensue and the entire society will fall into anarchy.
Wednesday - Aristocracy stinks. Its just another name for a modified dictatorship by committee with a handful of people at the top making all the money, calling all the shots, and basically throwing the little guys trinkets to keep him in place while ravishing the poor and lavishing in their castles as the meager masses huddle in the streets to keep warm. Given enough time, the masses will realize the game they¹re playing and the lies they¹ve been fed. They will rise up in the streets and the entire society will fall into anarchy.
Thursday - Communism stinks. It¹s just another name for dictatorship by a modified bunch of bloodthirsty psuedo-aristocrats. Orwell had it right in "Animal Farm.” To the communists, all of the animals on the farm are equal, but some are more equal than others. While claiming the people¹s best interest, they¹ll kill off the monarchs and aristocracy, and then take their place. A handful of people at the top will manipulate all the money, call all the shots, and basically throw the little guy trinkets to keep him in place while ravishing the poor idiots who put them in power and lavishing in their castles as the meager masses huddle in the streets to keep warm. Giving enough time, the masses who rose up against the monarchs and aristocracy will realize the game they¹re planing and the lies they¹ve been fed. They will rise up in the streets, overthrow their captors and the entire society will fall into anarchy.
Friday - So, what are we left with?
1. You have to have a Monarch or you¹ll never be able to make any decisions in times of crisis and war.
2. You have to have an Aristocracy, because the people with money are the only ones smart enough to run things and make any money.
3. You have to have a Democracy or the masses will eventually revolt, throw the tea in the harbor, and cut off everyone’s heads if they have no say at all in how they are ruled.
So yeah,
Executive Branch - The Monarchy
Senate - The Aristocracy
Congress - The Representative Democracy
And oh yeah, you¹d better add a strong set of rules (Constitution) to protect all the people's rights – a playbook that none them can change easily without all of them weighing in.
And you'd better have an unbribable...
Judicial Branch - To interpret the laws and hold everyon one of these powers in check and accountable or any one of them will always try to grab power and screw everyone else.
So yeah, ours is the WORST possible form of government on the face of the earth.
Except for every other form.
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