Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand.
- Pablo Picasso
I had a beer with our artist friend and FINK Logo designer Terry Marks and our Community of the Apostles gen-xyz pastor friend Karen Ward in Seattle Sunday night. Terry is traveling the country speaking about design, writing award winning children's books, and helping with a major new worship arts piece that looks rather fantastic. Karen is trying to buy a neighborhood church and install an arts center and tea house. Here are a couple samples of what Terry is working on. Check the link, and tell him Rich sent you.
Speaking of art, Len Sweet likes to say "there was once a day when the church saved the arts. There may be a day when the arts save the church."
Picking up on that from a children's ministry perspective, allow me to pontificate a moment:
Melheimian Soap Box du Jour:
Why aren't the drawings and paintings of every Sunday School child paraded into the hallways and mounted with precious care under celebrating lights in fellowship halls turned to galleries every Sunday? Why aren't the little artists paraded into pulpits and applauded into lecterns and adult education classes each week to explain their interpretations of the marvelous works of God? Are we blind to the marvels which the Creator has imparted to them - only them? Is some sinister evil force trying to deprive us of the profound beauty of the lessons they have to teach us? Are we deaf to the voices that could reveal the simple truths of the kingdom? Or are we simply stupid and lazy stewards who don't care that the treasures of the kingdom written and drawn by the freshest of God's little saints are being dumped in the garbage every Sunday, unseen?
Len Sweet likes to say that the most priceless art in the world is not found in the Hague or the Louvre or the Guggenheim. It is found on refrigerators.
Why shouldn't it be found 20 feet tall - projected on the worship walls for all to see and enjoy before it hits the circular file at worst or the Kenmore Gallery at best?
Give God's young artists a gallery every week, and they'll give you insights you'll never find in your worship book and hymnal.
(PS - If you're looking for quotes on art, there are 112 waiting for you on our Quotelopedia.)
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